Saturday, October 3, 2009

K-Murdock – iMANGANation Vol. 1 (2009)

1. Campfire Intro (0:55)
2. The Tale of the Princess (2:05)
3. Flying Free (4:04)
4. Grievance (0:29)
5. Life's Lessons (3:59)
6. Star Stories (4:38)
7. Perspective (0:24)
8. Confessions (2:51)
9. Freedom Theory (2:41)
10. The Blue Eye (0:57)
11. Water Ride (0:52)
12. Invisible Seas (3:39)
13. Treasuretown Cats (Part 1) (0:56)
14. Treasuretown Cats (Part 2) (0:45)
15. Treasuretown Cats (Part 3) (1:22)
16. Dead Man Walking (1:51)
17. FOTNS! (2:39)
18. Razor's Tongue (3:38)
19. Mr. Muahaha Man (0:43)
20. Business, Never Personal (1:40)
21. Limits the Sky (2:52)
22. Sins of the Father (1:39)
23. Another Rainy Day (0:38)
24. Orange Penicillin (3:09)
25. The Mourning After... (0:56)
26. A Journey's End (2:08)
27. Legend (of the Hokage) (3:30)
28. Open Road Outro (1:00)
29. Ronins (2:46)


K-Murdock, also known as Kyle Murdock, has created an extensive production resume. He backs two of the most creative groups in the underground/alternative rap scene – Restoring Poetry In Music and Panacea – and still has time to drop the occasional solo instrumental album. Earlier this year he put out the first installment in his Mood Muzik series. Now he has followed that tremendous effort with a new album that is unlike any other.

iMANGANation is a fusion album between hip-hop and anime. Yes, anime. K-Murdock takes a unique approach on this album, swapping back and forth between atmospheric hip-hop instrumentals and sampled anecdotes from the Japanese cartoon characters themselves. The anime samples that he chooses to use are eccentric slices from various adventures that the characters embark on. Knights and princesses, death and violence, and love and life are all within the realms of the fantastic world that is painted by each story. Certain stories, evoke a Wu-Tang-esque style, using samurai swords and clashing fighting sounds, however, where the album diverges from that is in its use of fantasy. The album is crafted to indulge the listener into a world far away from reality. The hip-hop production that K-Murdock incorporates is perfect because it finely mirrors the fantastical components. Airy pianos and synths glide over basic boom-bap drums loops. There are also a few notable (musical) samples tossed into the mix as well, and they further lend to the breezy feel of the album. Even in its darker moments (see: “Grievance”), there is a mystical, uplifting sense that lingers.

Anime and hip-hop may be a very odd combination, however, K-Murdock fits them so seamlessly, even the hardest heads will still be bobbing. iMANGANation Vol. 1 is a testament to the fact that K-Murdock simply gets it, and is likely to keep making terrific music down the road.

1 comment:

Miska said...

Very mild sounding instrumental joints based on familiar samples with interludes taken from manga movies. It's a good record to chill or work on.