1.You're My Favourite Music
4.Don't Waste Your Time
6.All I Do
7.An Echo Of Quiet And Green
8.Let Me Go
9.The Hourly Second
10.Life On Earth
12.Love You To Pieces
‘Life on Earth’ is the funky debut from New York-based beauty Niko (Nicole Vergel De Dios), the latest signing of the cool Grand Central Records label.
The vibe here is a mix of jazz, hip-hop and soul beats (‘You're My Favourite Music’) with a smattering of 80s electro and pop (‘Shifting’) and is produced collaboratively by Mr Scruff, Mark Rae and Aim of Grand Central Records.
This heady concoction combined with Niko's striking looks (courtesy of Japanese and Spanish parentage) provides something well worth taking interest in. Style comparisons could be drawn with Amy Winehouse (although a polished version minus the cigarette-affected voice), and especially Norah Jones on the billowy ‘Sirens’, but Niko's sound is a lot funkier. And there's a definite Erykah Badu-feel to the delivery of ‘Love You to Pieces’.
Her classical roots in gospel and jazz combined with the energy of soul and hip-hop influences from the New York club scene work hand-in-hand; one hopes more will develop from this exciting start.