Monday, August 1, 2011

Core Wreckah - Reverb With Sarah

00 - core wreckah - reverb - (with Sarah) by corewreckah

Over a bed-rock of toms, reverb-drenched percussion, guitar licks, and even a horn section, Core Wreckah waxes lyrical about the importance of engaging in issues which directly affect his immediate community. While the music may merit 'club banger' status, the lyrics are everything else but; lines such as

'all we get concerned about is how much swag we have/ blind to all the dirt and grime, electing to neglect/ what really matters the most, to stand up and host lively discussions'

are just the precise, scathing attack on our collective conscience as people which Core deems necessary in order to awaken each and every global citizen's participation in issues that affect us daily.



San. said...

CHEA, food for thought, massive SHOUTS to the BBRS team for this here BOOST...salute..!

Corporate Nemesis said...
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Core Wreckah said...

Thank you for putting my music on your portal. Much appreciated

originthot said...

yothis is dope, wouldn't mind plaaying that, scratching and sampling it.