01 PROPS (prod. by ?uestlove and James Poyser. Scratches by Casual-T)
02 GO SANE (prod. by DOOM)
03 HAIRY MOTH OWL (prod. by Memory Man)
04 THE MOON (feat. Masta Ace, Del The Funky Homosapien & C-Rayz Walz. Prod. by Memory Man)
05 OWL PELLETS (prod. by Memory Man)
06 ALLAHU AKBAR (prod. by Casual-T)
07 LOSING A PUPPY (sung by Kimiko Ono-Bernard, music by Jean-Michel Bernard)
08 GET ALONG SONG (prod. by Prince Paul)
09 LIDGEON (prod. by DOOM, Phofo and Michel Gondry)
10 BACK ON A WHITE HORSE (prod. by Memory Man)
11 SCIENCE (feat. Old Codger, prod. by Memory Man)
12 HOT GUACAMOLE (feat. DOOM, prod. by Prince Paul)
13 POWER (prod. by Memory Man)
14 SAMPLING LAW (prod. by Mofo Snot)
15 For Skins (advertisement)
16 CIRCUMCISION (feat. Warm DJ Orange Alert. Prod. by Memory Man)
17 AIDS (feat. Dr. Joyce Wallace, prod. by Memory Man and Max Anomalous)
18 HELP (prod. by MCPB/JBeez)
19 DRUG CASUAL-T (prod. by Memory Man)
20 ASK YOUR MAMA (prod. by Casual-T)
21 DIVORCE (directed by Michel Gondry)
22 It Can All Be Taken Away (Music by Michel Gondry)
MU Link
Thanks To TrueUSHipHop
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http://rapidshare.com/files/312119516/Mc_Paul_Barman_-_Thought_Balloon_Mushroom_Cloud__WEB__-__2009__-_HHB.rar | 112006 KB
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you post that shit instead of a thanks,try to be patient its easy..
you want free music and fast speed
you worthless dummies..
just love that Paul Barman freakshit...
Thank you, mr Fats Eardrum, so much for this new link!!
So much betta for a downloadjunky ;-)
thanks, barman is dope, this website is dope, keep it up
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